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Saturday 10 September 2011

Places that you don't want to work...

Sacred Heart Hospital (Scrubs)


Up-and-coming young doctor? Don't apply here; this place is a nuthouse. First of all, you'll be working with Doctors that drift off into their own worlds mid-sentence, and seem to enjoy subjecting those around them to what must be expensive practical jokes that cannot be for the benefit of the patient. Then you have the nursing staff, who seem very happy to let you know where you're going wrong and where you can shove it when you're going right. And don't expect support from the senior staff either; there only seems to be one on-call Attending for the whole hospital and he's sarcastic and egotistical ranter who will not only point out your mistakes but every flaw you've had since you were ten-years old. The Chief of Medicine? Don't even think about it, he's just as crazed as the rest of them. And I'm pretty sure the Orderly's and Janitors are insane.

The Jeffersonian (Bones)

Got a doctorate in any sort of anthropological or forensic field? This is not the place for you. For some reason, the fact that your superior aids FBI investigations means that you should too, and therefore you are likely to be shot at or abducted and buried alive during your term working at this prestigious location. The only perk is there seems to be some sort of magic computer that only a hippy artist can use, though she is involved with a strange entomologist who seems intent on blowing up parts of the institution in order to verify his findings. Not only that, but your superior is most probably autistic, not that that's a problem, but it can make her very difficult to work with.

Seattle Grace Hospital (Grey's Anatomy)


This hospital is certainly more effectively run than Sacred Heart, but where Sacred Heart has insanity flowing through it's halls, Seattle Grace has just raw emotion. A day doesn't seem to go by without one very attractive doctor telling another very attractive doctor some sort of life lesson in the form of a lengthy monologue, and every surgeon in the place seems to have a knack for projecting their own issues onto their patients in order to reach some sort of revelation in their own mind; it's like these people wouldn't be able to function unless a man with kidney failure wasn't going through a heartbreaking end to a long marriage could inspire them to also tend to their own romantic relationships. Also note, that all the surgeons seem to be sleeping with someone else in the hospital, and forget that this is a bad idea, especially since each surgeon seems to somehow grievously injure themselves every other month.

Hogwarts (Harry Potter)

  The perks are, if you're a wizard or a witch, this is probably the only place in England to pursue a career as a teacher. But beware, it would seem that the headmaster of this school is quite happy to allow children to learn in a site that also houses a three-headed dog, a tree that will kill you if possible, stairs that will just change position no matter who is standing where, and an array of ghosts that have no problem lingering in the bathrooms of minors. There is also one small group of children that seem intent on not attending a Wizarding School to actually learn magic, but rather to just poke around at night and put themselves in harms way, to which the headmaster rewards with boiled sweets and preferential treatment. Also, teaching moody teenage children the ability to hex others and such is not a well thought out plan, and we have yet to figure out why there would be a restricted section of the library that is actually easily accessible to all students if they so please.

The Empire (Star Wars)

Being a soldier is surely tough work, even if your role is to police an Empire ruled by a dark lord. It doesn't get any easier when you are forced to wear what must be the most useless armour in the galaxy, an armour which cannot protect you from laser-bolts nor the clubs of a small teddy bear, and surely restricts your vision enough to force you to miss every shot you take. A typical day might have you murdering a family and burning them alive before blaming it on the indigenous dwellers, scouring an entire planet for droids in baking heat, being deployed to a planet that is either entirely ice, sand, or forest, or killing the furriest, most wide-eyed aliens you can find. And if you screw up there's a high chance that the Emperor's leather clad lackey will choke you to death with his magic powers. And you better hope you aren't stationed on any space ships, as they'll either plough through an asteroid field in the pursuit of one tiny ship, or they'll include a weak point in the ship that can essentially destroy everything from the inside...only to rebuilt AGAIN with what seems to be more or less the same flaw; a direct route to something that can blow up the entire thing!

Princeton Plainsborough (House M.D.)
Another hospital, with even more worrying problems. It doesn't matter where you work in the hospital, you're day can easily fall victim to the whims of one man and his team. A serious drug addict, this man insults both his colleagues and his patients, forces his workers to break into people's homes, and screws around with the Chief of Staff. Incredible illnesses can only be cured by this man, it seems, but it doesn't negate the incredible tests and strange procedures that are taken to rule out a diagnosis. A day working at Princeton Plainsborough must be a tense experience; you are just hoping that your path doesn't cross with this sociopath and his team.

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