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Thursday 1 September 2011

Alex Reviews

So, I watched this DVD from my good ol' Lovefilm account called Boomerang (1992) on the basis of an article I read here (by the way, Brothers With No Game is a really entertaining blog, check it out) and I have to say I was really impressed.

The story has Eddie Murphy as a high rolling marketing executive who has a certain way with women, yet in his attempts to find the perfect woman to settle with he ends up having his player-nature come back to bite him in the ass. Hilarious and thought-provoking scenarios ensue. What makes it thought provoking is when Eddie Murphy's character as a player gets his just deserves when he himself becomes the victim of a player. The story is predictable, but still charming, and a reminder of the quality that Eddie Murphy films used to hold. Halle Berry is young and B E A utiful as the charming, under the radar love interest, and there are also appearances from Martin Lawrence and Chris Rock to take note of. Really worth a watch if you haven't much else to do;

It got me thinking on two topics as well;

Bros before....yeah you know the saying  - There is a point in the where Murphy's character makes an interesting choice and swoops in on his best friends woman. He SORT of brings it up with his friend, which of course is not taken too well by the harmed party. That got me to thinking, is it EVER okay to be with someone your best bro or BFF or whatever used to be with? It takes a certain type of friendship that would allow a relationship between someone's ex and someone's best friend to take place. I'd like to think that if my best friend wanted to go out with a girl who I loved but things didn't work out with, I'd be the bigger man and step aside to let them be happy; I'd like to THINK that. But I sure as hell know that it would take a LOT of getting used to. I'm young, but I don't know if I'd be able to handle it, especially since you know your best bud is gonna be bringing your old flame around with him on get-together's and what not. With my guy friends at least, I know that it's sort of an unspoken rule that you stay away from any girl that your boy was serious about. It excludes the random 2 day make-out session he had with whatsherface when we hit 2011 in January, but the girl that he spent more than, lets say, half a year with is off limits. Permanently. Or there has to be some sort of code, like; Thou shalt not engage in a relationship with your friends ex until twice the time of their relationship duration has passed. So, if your boy was with this girl for 6 months, you can't touch it for at least a year. At least. Three year relationship? You gotta let six years go by before you bump into this girl on holiday and think "Well, she was pretty fun to hang out with you know?". That's just me, but who knows.

Men are fragile too -   Okay, so typically us men are known for being sort of detached from our feelings and all that jazz; we don't spill our emotions on the table at the drop of a hat and generally we only excel in showing the particular emotion of anger - we can break things or stomp our feet really hard. But sometimes I think women forget that actually we're just as emotionally unsteady as women are, and just as capable for things like love and sadness. Yes, some men are pigs and will use you and leave you, but the 50% of the men who aren't douchebags have a healthy grip on their personality and, like women, can only take so much of a beating. If a member of this 50% actually falls for a girl, he falls hard. And so, screwing him around hurts just as much as when that smartass guy dumps the sweet young girl for the skank from across the street.

I don't know why I went on that tangent; most people know this already. Most sane people anyway.

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