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Wednesday 4 April 2012


Hi people its mr K here, i've been thinkin of what id be able to post on my mans alex the boss mans wonderful creation here. He's the wordsmith, im the artsy part of the Bteam. so lets give it a shot today im gonna talk about a book that i feel raped my mind and eyeballs with its boredom, while pissin in my koolade and trying to persuade me its just a lil added applejuice for some extra kick. IAN McEWANs SOLAR
Now after reading this book I was to put it kindly pissed, what the fuck are the chances the after reading the the devils scrotum which is Gun slinger, id move on to an equally diuretic book. First of all this book is not funny in the slightest whoever at the Sunday times who got quoted saying it was must of been smoking crack or held at gunpoint. It is BORING AND BLAAAAAAND, at times I felt like it was torture reading it but I felt like a runner in the marathon who has gone too far to say FUCK THIS. The Story is about Michael Beard a Nobel prize winning physicist I just felt a slight urge to vomit thinking of righting fully about what this things about or maybe it was the fried chicken omelette dinner at 1 in the morning. who knows just to be safe I am not getting into details on this book don't wanna spoil the hours of "fun ;)". This book was weird for me because it was mainly comprised of the author talking bout the main characters thoughts and actions, not much dialogue going in this. To be fair it had highs and lows overall but the highs were the three times when you got to that OHHH SHIT moment when you think here we go its on, to only find out nothing fucking kicks off! its like the author is purposefully teasing you with the possibility of something really interesting actually might happen. I couldn't attach to any characters at all in this book and SPOILER ALERT! didn't give to fucks that he had a heart attack on the last page. The main character was so fucked up in his mind I got no idea why the author thought he'd only get slapped once. there was so many fucking opportunities with his wives, the love rivals and the centre to have a decent book. It's like someone found a cool interesting book and decided to take it and try and rewrite it to avoid most of the interesting shit but hint that once upon a time it was written different.But what do i know, this is just my view , who am I. I enjoyed getting this off my chest ill be posting more of my thoughts soon on here. MR. K

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