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Thursday 3 November 2011

Alex Reviews...

The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn

I never really was a fan of Tintin - I don't know if it was just because it was before my time, if I didn't like the artwork, didn't like gingers (joking, joking) or just wasn't really introduced to it, but I wasn't too excited about this film. Leaving the cinema, I'm still not particularly a fan of Tintin, but I definitely enjoyed the work that was put into a superbly directed and exquisitely animated film following the young investigative reporter Tintin on his adventures with his loyal pup Snowy. Although I am sure that fans of the comics will get much more out of the film than I will, I doubt anyone will see the film and feel that their time has been wasted.

The most striking thing about this adaptation is the CGI, and again how far it has come in the past decade. Yes, the film maintains a certain cartoonish quality with its characters, but the environments and character motions are exemplary. I saw it in 2D but I think this is probably the only film that I felt I should have paid the extra few quid to see in three-dimensions with the graphics as good as they are, but with Spielberg and Peter Jackson behind it you should expect no less. 

The characters are fun, if not somewhat annoying if you are a stranger to the material, but in any case keep the story flowing at an amusing pace. The action is the highlight however, with any restraints that may occur with live-action films being tossed out the window to allow one particularly exciting car-chase through a populated town and a ridiculous aeroplane journey across a desert. It ends with the possibility for a sequel, and if the technical prowess of the film is anything to go by; this can only be a good thing.

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